With the kind permission of John Colyer QC, Chair of Trustees for the John Townsend Trust, Beth Astridge, our Project Archivist and I were allowed access to the minute book of the RSDC Margate. This book contains the minutes of meetings from the founding of the school in the 1790s. These include meetings at which students were elected to their places at the school. Votes were awarded to those who subscribed set amounts of money to fund the school. The students had to petition for their place and those who didn’t make it through had to go home. You were only allowed 2 attempts. Imagine that.
Royal School for Deaf Children, Margate
Francesca looks at a minute book which describes the founding of the Royal School for Deaf Children in the 1790’s.

Both my grandparents went to Royal School for the Death in Margate from around 1915 – 1932 Would you know where the archives are now held?
We have a couple of photos, a postcard of the old school and a childrens WW1 war bond while my grandad was at the school
Many thanks