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Reference | Davis/F1 |
Name of Creator | Maggie Davis, disability activist – Ken Davis, disability activist |
Date of Creation | 1973-1979 |
Extent of the Unit of Description | 1 lever arch file containing 190 items - mainly correspondence and meeting notes |
Level of description | |
Description | 1 lever arch file containing mainly correspondence with Anthony Pearson of Wyvern Partnership. The correspondence covers discussions about plans, the design, fixtures and fittings, from the beginning of the project in later 1973 to the rectifying of defects in 1978. The correspondence includes the letters from Anthony Pearson, but also copy letters sent by Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, creating a more complete set of correspondence. The file also contains papers relating to communcications about the scheme including conferences, publications etc. |
System of Arrangement | The file is generally in approximate date order, with the later years more out of order than the early years. |
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Davis Archive of Maggie Davis relating to the Grove Road Housing Scheme
Davis/F1 Grove Project - Architect and Articles about scheme
- Davis/F1/1 Letter from Peter Bye, Derbyshire County Council to Ken and Maggie - thank you for contribution to a conference
- Davis/F1/10 Naidex 78 Conference Programme (National Aids for the Disabled and European Conference of Rehabilitation International)
- Davis/F1/100 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding installations of equipment
- Davis/F1/101 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to Remarco Builders regarding installations of monkey chains and toilet supports, with accompanying plan
- Davis/F1/102 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding location of chains
- Davis/F1/103 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding installations of chains
- Davis/F1/104 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to Wessex Medical Equipment Company regarding supply of slings
- Davis/F1/105 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding alternative sink
- Davis/F1/106 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding washing machine, sink order and Inskip
- Davis/F1/107 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding washing machine table - with Ken handwritten notes of conversations
- Davis/F1/108 Copy letter from Romarco Builders to the Wyvern Parternship regardinng a quote
- Davis/F1/109 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Joan Driver, regarding an S hook, settling in and living independently. Date 19th.
- Davis/F1/11 Letter from Alan Seabright to Ken Davis, thanks for your letter and article
- Davis/F1/110 Letter from Joan to Maggie Davis, regarding S hook enclosure
- Davis/F1/111 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Liz and John, general news about Cressy Fields and moving on
- Davis/F1/112 Letter from Liz, 88 Bankside, Long Ditton, surrey, to Ken and Maggie, regarding measurements for the straps .
- Davis/F1/113 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding hoists and S hook
- Davis/F1/114 Letter from Joan Driver, Flat 6, 9 Princess Crescent, Finsbury Park, to Maggie Davis, regarding hoists, slings and an S hook
- Davis/F1/115 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to Remarco Builders regarding construction of washing machine table
- Davis/F1/116 Notes of a site meeting at Grove Road on 3rd Feb 1976 with Wyvern, Remarco and Maggie and Ken Davis
- Davis/F1/117 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding table under washing machine
- Davis/F1/118 Manuscript notes of site meeting on 20th January 1976 with Bill, Anthony, and Ken
- Davis/F1/119 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding items needing attention, comments from Ruth Brooks, quotation. With Ken's handwritten notes on further conversations
- Davis/F1/12 Letter from A Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding subject of Ken's paper for conference on technological assistance diminishing the need for human assitance.
- Davis/F1/120 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to W Fantham, Regional Housing Manager, Inskip, final confirmation that Joan and Sachar will not be taking up tenancy. Possibly tenancy of Ruth Brooks. Movement of installed equipment.
- Davis/F1/121 Copy letter from Ken and Maggie Davis to Ruth Brooks regarding personal needs as a tenant of flat 3
- Davis/F1/122 Manuscript notes on dimensions of equipment in flats 2 and 3 and possible transfer of some equipment from one to the other
- Davis/F1/123 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding tenancy complications
- Davis/F1/124 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding tenancy crisis with opposition from a proposed tenant
- Davis/F1/125 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding delay in door delivery
- Davis/F1/126 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding equipment installations
- Davis/F1/127 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding shower and washing machine installations
- Davis/F1/128 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding washing machine, cooker, cupboards
- Davis/F1/129 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Grovewood Products Ltd regarding Kitchen units
- Davis/F1/13 Letter from Ken Davis to A Pearson, regarding comments for his paper for the European Conference of Rehabilitation International
- Davis/F1/130 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding showers
- Davis/F1/131 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding Dulux Matador
- Davis/F1/132 Copy letter from NB Johnson, Technical Service Manager, Colston, to Mr Pearson, regarding an alternative opening for the Colston Commodore. (not possible)
- Davis/F1/133 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding site visit
- Davis/F1/134 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding visit, paint and tables
- Davis/F1/136 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding site visit
- Davis/F1/137 Colour schedule for Brookdale Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, August 75
- Davis/F1/138 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding visit and testing spaces
- Davis/F1/139 Diagram and notes on placing of Colston Commodore
- Davis/F1/14 Letter from Alan Seabright, of Raglan Housing Association, to Ken Davis, regarding comments for his paper for the European Conference of Rehabilitation International
- Davis/F1/140 Letter from unidentified person with brief summary of letter to Anthony dated 25th August 1975 regarding personal requirements
- Davis/F1/141 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding questions on paint colours, flooring and other decoration
- Davis/F1/142 Letter to Ken from Al and Carol regarding paint colours
- Davis/F1/143 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Colston Applicances Ltd regarding hinging the door on the left
- Davis/F1/144 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding site questions
- Davis/F1/145 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding cookers
- Davis/F1/146 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding appliances
- Davis/F1/147 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding issues with grilling arrangements in kitchen
- Davis/F1/148 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding radiators
- Davis/F1/149 Copy letter from FG Skerritt to Mr Pearson with dimensions for radiators
- Davis/F1/15 Letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright, requesting comments on his paper for the European Conference of Rehabilitation International
- Davis/F1/150 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding Clos O Mat
- Davis/F1/151 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding lever taps, colour charts and tile patterns
- Davis/F1/152 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding appliances and taps
- Davis/F1/153 Notes of meeting at WRVS Office Sutton on 27th June 1975 with ken Davis, Anthony Pearson and Philip Banfield.
- Davis/F1/154 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding toilet support, dishwasher dimensions, telecoms
- Davis/F1/155 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding Clos-o-mat, toilet support, dishwasher
- Davis/F1/156 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding Clos-o-mat
- Davis/F1/157 Copy of meeting notes, WRVS Office Sutton, 30th May 1975, Between Anthony Pearson, Philip Banfield and Ken Davis
- Davis/F1/158 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding washer/dryer
- Davis/F1/159 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding appliances, flooring
- Davis/F1/16 Letter from Ken Davis to George Wilson, Director of the Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation, regarding papers for the conference
- Davis/F1/160 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding appliances, doorways and knee clearance under sinks
- Davis/F1/161 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding call system and quote and seminar
- Davis/F1/162 Notes of a meeting held at the WRVS Office Sutton, 25/4/75, Anthony Pearson, and Philip Banfield, Carol Bretman and Ken Davis - with handwritten annotations
- Davis/F1/163 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding monkey chains and hoist positions
- Davis/F1/164 Copy letter from BRE Noake, Secretary at the Southwell Diocesan Board of Finance, to the Reverend Terry Short, regarding contract for sale of the St Bartholomew's Mission
- Davis/F1/165 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, flooring and appliances
- Davis/F1/166 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding flooring
- Davis/F1/167 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding payment for appliances
- Davis/F1/168 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding monkey chains, tenders
- Davis/F1/169 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding hoists and equipment
- Davis/F1/17 Letter from Patricia Ingram, Producer of the Link series for ATV Network Limited, to Mr Alan Alexander, [from Raglan] about the ATV film shown on Octoer 30th
- Davis/F1/170 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Miss Crawford, Nottingham County Council, Social Services, regarding cookers
- Davis/F1/171 Letter from CG Crawford, Occupational Therapist, Nottinhamshire Couny Council, regarding split level cookers
- Davis/F1/172 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding monkey chains and monkey pole
- Davis/F1/173 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding Maggie and Ken moving into Cressy Fields, management meeting in Sept
- Davis/F1/174 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to Nottingham County Council, Social Services Department, regarding items being subsidised by the Ministry
- Davis/F1/175 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding thanks for letter sent, with Ken's notes
- Davis/F1/176 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding comments on the schedule of 6th February
- Davis/F1/177 Manuscript notes comprising a basic list of requirements for accommodation
- Davis/F1/178 Sutton-in-Ashfield Schedule of Fittings - typescript with manuscript annotations
- Davis/F1/179 Manuscript notes of a meeting with Anthony Pearson? Dated 11/2/74
- Davis/F1/18 Letter from Alan Alexander, Chairman of Raglan Housing Association, to Ms Ingram and Mr Creasey, regarding the ATV programme on Grove Road and the non-identification of Raglan.
- Davis/F1/180 Manuscript notes of a meeting or telephone conversation with Anthony Pearson - only latter part of notes (items 6 to 11)
- Davis/F1/181 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, enclosing schedule of fittings
- Davis/F1/182 Letter from HD Spencely to Ken Davis, regarding sectional interests and progress on working drawings
- Davis/F1/183 Letter from HD Spencely to Ken Davis, regarding details of the spinal injuries association
- Davis/F1/184 Letter from HD Spencely to Ken Davis, regarding details of the design
- Davis/F1/185 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding discussion of points in the design
- Davis/F1/186 Manuscript notes of a telephone conversation between Ken Davis and Anthony Pearson - including discussion of features such as doors and windows, and positioning of tracks .
- Davis/F1/187 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, enclosing revised drawings 7B and 8A - with a description of the changes made
- Davis/F1/188 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding moving on to more detailed drawings
- Davis/F1/189 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding first sketch designs
- Davis/F1/19 Letter from Patricia Ingram, ATV Network Limited, to Ken Davis, regarding a photo sent for the film
- Davis/F1/190 Letter from Bill Finlay, Rochdale Voluntary Action, to Ken Davis regarding travelling expenses for key note speech at conference
- Davis/F1/2 Letter from Sarah Langton-Lockton, Centre on Environment for the Handicapped (CEH), to Maggie and Ken - thank you for arranging group visit, with associated papers for the visit.
- Davis/F1/20 Letter from Alan Seabright, Director of Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding conference papers and issue with the ATV film
- Davis/F1/21 Description of the Grove Road Scheme - blue front cover - address for enquiries for The Secretary, St Bartholomew's Tenants Group.
- Davis/F1/22 Letter from Ken Davis to A Seabright about the ATV programme [references the handout for enquiries]
- Davis/F1/23 Flyer for the Wheelhouse at Irvine holiday home
- Davis/F1/24 Letter from Ken Davis to Mr Beamish, Villa Owners Club Limited, regarding flight arrangments
- Davis/F1/25 Letter from Ken and Maggie Davis to the Headland Hotel, Newquay, regarding stay arrnagements
- Davis/F1/26 Letter from Hay Head Farm regarding booking confirmation
- Davis/F1/27 Letter from Les tarrier travel agency regarding travel arrangements
- Davis/F1/28 Letter from the London Hotel for Disabled People regarding booking
- Davis/F1/29 Leaflet on Compensation for mining subsidence damage - supplement
- Davis/F1/3 Letter from John Jillings to Mr and Mrs Davies - regarding cancelling meeting arrangements for the 'Housing for Independence' conference, plus map
- Davis/F1/30 Leaflet on Compensation for mining subsidence damage
- Davis/F1/31 Leaflet on Coal Mining Subsidence - How to make claims under the 1957 Act
- Davis/F1/32 Coal Mining Act - Damage Notice - Blank Claims form
- Davis/F1/33 Letter from N Wood, Area Estates manager for the National Coal Board, regarding Davisalleged subsistence damage
- Davis/F1/34 Letter from Margaret Davis to Mr Davenport at the National Coal Board, about a potential claim
- Davis/F1/35 Letter from Anthony Pearson, Wyvern Partnership, to Ken and Maggie Davis, regarding the recent programme on Grove Road
- Davis/F1/36 Letter from Anthony Pearson, Wyvern Partnership, to Maggie Davis, regarding artwork
- Davis/F1/37 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to Dove Brothers, regarding work to correct defects at Grove Road
- Davis/F1/38 Letter from Maggie and Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding defects
- Davis/F1/39 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Maggie Davis, regarding defects
- Davis/F1/4 Letter from Libby Chilton, Habinteg Housing Association Ltd, to Mr and Mrs Davies - thank you for hosting visit and enclosing further information about company.
- Davis/F1/40 Letter from the Davis' to Anthony Pearson regarding defects
- Davis/F1/41 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis regarding defects and letter with builders
- Davis/F1/42 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Romarco Builders regarding defects
- Davis/F1/43 Letter from RI Devonport, Romarco Builders, to Anthony Pearson, update on defects
- Davis/F1/44 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis regarding photographs and visit from Selwyn Goldsmith
- Davis/F1/45 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis regarding photographs
- Davis/F1/46 Letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding photographs
- Davis/F1/47 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis regarding photographs and defects
- Davis/F1/48 Wyvern Partnership Site Inspection Report - 16th March 1978 - list of outstanding defects
- Davis/F1/49 Letter from RL Devonport to Wyvern Partnership, defect update and outstanding payment
- Davis/F1/5 Letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright, regarding contribution to the conference
- Davis/F1/50 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis regarding visit
- Davis/F1/51 Letter from Maggie Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding defects
- Davis/F1/52 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis regarding visit, publicity and defects
- Davis/F1/53 Letter from Ken Davis to Mills and Sons regarding electric work
- Davis/F1/54 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis regarding TV programme
- Davis/F1/55 Letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding final inspection
- Davis/F1/56 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis regarding final inspection
- Davis/F1/57 Letter from R Horton, Commercial Engineer, East Midlands Electricity, to Maggie Davis, regarding electrical installation (copy)
- Davis/F1/58 Letter from R Horton, Commercial Engineer, East Midlands Electricity, to Maggie Davis, regarding electrical installation
- Davis/F1/59 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis regarding contact with Mills and Sons.
- Davis/F1/6 Description of proposed visit to Grove Road by CEH
- Davis/F1/60 Letter from Anthony Pearson to M Mills and Sons, regarding installations
- Davis/F1/61 Copy letter from M Mills to the Wyvern Partnership regarding a deduction
- Davis/F1/62 Letter from B Leedham, Delglo Appliances Ltd, to Mr KO Davis, regarding rectification of a fault
- Davis/F1/63 Copy letter from KO Davis to Mr Leedham, Service Manager, Delglo Appliances, regarding a fault
- Davis/F1/64 Copy letter from KO Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding issues with central heating boiler
- Davis/F1/65 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding the parquet floor and intercom fault.
- Davis/F1/66 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to Remarco Builders regarding outstanding items
- Davis/F1/67 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to FG Skerritt Ltd regarding fault rectification
- Davis/F1/68 Letter from AN Munro, General Manager, Clos O Mat (Great Britain) Ltd, regarding maintenance scheme
- Davis/F1/69 Letter from AN Munro, General Manager, Clos O Mat (Great Britain) Ltd, regarding maintenance and engineers visit
- Davis/F1/7 Note to all participants in the European Conference on Disability and the Family - RE confernce subject with associated papers
- Davis/F1/70 Sample contract maintenance form from Clos O Mat
- Davis/F1/71 Letter from B Leedham, Delglo Appliances Ltd, to Mr KO Davis, regarding rectification of a fault and sending engineer
- Davis/F1/72 Copy letter from KO Davis to Norman Gledhill and Co, re boiler fault
- Davis/F1/73 Copy letter from KO Davis to Anthony Pearson, regarding issues with central heating boiler, tenants and photographs
- Davis/F1/74 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding photographs, fault rectifications
- Davis/F1/75 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to Raglan regarding final defects - plastic floor tiles
- Davis/F1/76 Letter from R Horton, Commercial Engineer, East Midlands Electricity, to Mr KO Davis, regarding electricity failures
- Davis/F1/77 Copy letter from Mrs M Davis to Mills and Sons, thanking for fixing fault and enclosing fee
- Davis/F1/78 Copy letter from Ken Davis to East Midlands Electricity about the possibility of electrical failure when using the hoist
- Davis/F1/79 Copy letter from Ken and Maggie Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding photographs and faults
- Davis/F1/8 Advertisement from The Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation on the Naidex 79 conference on Disabled People and their Place in the Community
- Davis/F1/80 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding photographs, defects and parquet floor
- Davis/F1/81 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding communications with Raglan about publicity
- Davis/F1/82 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding defects
- Davis/F1/83 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding visit
- Davis/F1/84 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding aims and objectives of scheme for publicity
- Davis/F1/85 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding reaction of Tenants group to proposal about publlicity
- Davis/F1/86 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding publicity for scheme in the technical press
- Davis/F1/87 Letter from RL Devonport, Romarco Builders, to The Occupiers of Grove Road, regarding end of maintenance period
- Davis/F1/88 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding defects
- Davis/F1/89 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding defects - with handwritten notes by Ken/Maggie?
- Davis/F1/9 Letter from [unreadable], at the Directory for the Disabled, to The Secretary of the St Bartholomew's Tenants Group
- Davis/F1/90 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding TV arial
- Davis/F1/91 Sales Invoice for TV Arial from Clumer Arials
- Davis/F1/92 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding defects
- Davis/F1/93 Letter from Anthony Pearson to Ken Davis, regarding defects liability inspection
- Davis/F1/94 Letter from Anthony Pearson to the tenant at no 32, regarding defects liability inspection
- Davis/F1/95 Copy list of items that need attention as part of defects liability inspection
- Davis/F1/96 Letter from Hugh D Spencely, Wyvern Partnership, regarding good wishes and publicity
- Davis/F1/97 Invoice for service of hoist - from Wessex Medical Equipment
- Davis/F1/98 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding settling in and tenancy update
- Davis/F1/99 Postcard from Anthony Pearson to Ken and Maggie Davis, regarding greetings and settling in
Davis/F1 Grove Project - Architect and Articles about scheme