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Reference | Davis/F2 |
Name of Creator | Maggie Davis, disability activist – Ken Davis, disability activist |
Date of Creation | 1972-1980 |
Extent of the Unit of Description | 1 lever arch file containing 336 letters and documents |
Level of description | |
Description | 1 lever arch file containing mainly correspondence with Inskip St Giles Housing Assocaion - then Raglan Housing Association, with much of the file devoted to the issues that arose between some prospective participants in the scheme. The earliest documents in the file summarise the initial ideas behind developing the scheme and some of the first properties looked at, the appointment of the architects, and the the first advertisements to publicise the tenancies available. |
System of Arrangement | The documents are mainly arranged in chronological order |
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Davis Archive of Maggie Davis relating to the Grove Road Housing Scheme
Davis/F2 Grove Road Planning
- Davis/F2/1 Letter from Ken to Joan and Sachar regarding tenancy agreeements and conditions
- Davis/F2/10 Letter from JH Monroe, Raglan, to Mrs KO Davis, rents and improvements
- Davis/F2/11 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/114 Site meeting notes, typescript, covering Ruth's flat, home helps, other tenants.
- Davis/F2/115 Letter from Gerry Salmon to Ken and Maggie enclosing Keys to flats 28-32.
- Davis/F2/116 Letter from Alan Seabright to Alan and Carol Bretman regarding the special conditions of tenancy at the Brookdale Road scheme
- Davis/F2/117 Letter from Gerry Salmon to Ken and Maggie, regarding electricity supply, and tenants
- Davis/F2/118 Letter from Bill Fantham, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding service charge
- Davis/F2/119 Letter from Alan Seabright to Alan and Carol Bretman regarding withdrawal of offer of tenancy to Joan Daykin, and installation of electricity meters, offer of tenancy.
- Davis/F2/12 Letter from Miss B Wilkinson to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding service charges
- Davis/F2/120 Letter from Alan Seabright to Ken Davis regarding electricity supply, letter to Mr and Mrs Bretman, an issue with a letter from Ken (11 Aug 76), and tenants moving in.
- Davis/F2/121 Letter from Bill Fantham, Raglan, to Ken Davis, thanking for enclosure
- Davis/F2/122 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright regarding tenants support for withdrawal of tenancy of Joan Daykin, and offer of tenancy to Carol and Alan Bretman
- Davis/F2/123 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright regarding withdrawal of tenancy of Joan Daykin, and offer of tenancy to Carol and Alan Bretman
- Davis/F2/124 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright regarding request for urgent action on offer of tenancy to Carol and Alan Bretman
- Davis/F2/125 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham regarding tenancy agreement document
- Davis/F2/126 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Alexander, Chairman, Raglan, regarding crisis of occupation of flats - and setting out issues with Joan Daykin
- Davis/F2/127 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Booler, Area Director, Social Services Department, regarding situation with Joan Daykin
- Davis/F2/128 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright regarding finding solutions to the tenancy issues and offer of a meeting
- Davis/F2/129 Copy letter from Alan Bretman to Alan Seabright regarding the issues with Joan Daykin and formal notice of withdrawal from the scheme due to these issues
- Davis/F2/13 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Barbara Wilkinson, Raglan, regarding potential tenants
- Davis/F2/130 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright regarding the issues with the tenancy offer to Joan Daykin
- Davis/F2/131 Letter from Alan Seabright to Ken Davis regarding issues between the Bretmans and Joan Daykin, and the principle of the coopertative not being sacrosanct.
- Davis/F2/132 Handwritten notes on Cooperative Housing.
- Davis/F2/133 Handwritten notes of a telephone conversation with Alan Seabright on 12 August 1976 - tenancy issues
- Davis/F2/134 Handwritten notes of a telephone conversation with Bill Fantham on 9 August 1976 - tenancy issues
- Davis/F2/135 Typescript notes of telephone conversations between Maggie and Alan Seabright - regarding tenancy issues and moving in dates
- Davis/F2/136 Handwritten notes summarising tenants thoughts on situation - including principle of cooperative, thoughts on Raglan, Carol and Alan's course of action, present position, and notes of subsequent telephone conversations with Alan Seabright to discuss the above, and previous telephone conservations, 19th July, 16th July, 15th July, 12th July, 13th July, 14th July.
- Davis/F2/137 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright expressing concerns regarding tenancy issues
- Davis/F2/138 Letter from D Birtwistle, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding tenancy issue with Joan Daykin
- Davis/F2/139 Handwritten meeting notes from Cressy Fields, 23rd June 1976 at 2.30pm, mainly regarding tenancy issues
- Davis/F2/14 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Barbara Wilkinson, regarding arrangements for visit of Selwyn Goldsmith
- Davis/F2/140 Agenda for meeting at Cressy Fields, 23rd June 1976 at 2.30pm, by D Birtwistle
- Davis/F2/141 Letter from D Birtwistle, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding 'talking sheet' for the June meeting
- Davis/F2/142 Letter from W Fantham, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding meeting arrangements
- Davis/F2/143 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham, Raglan, regarding tenancy of Ruth Brooks and final adjustments
- Davis/F2/144 Copy letter from Ken Davis to D Birtwistle, Raglan, regarding tenany issues and date for meeting
- Davis/F2/145 Letter from D Birtwistle, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding contact at the BBC
- Davis/F2/146 Letter from W Fantham, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding meeting arrangments, flat inspection, medical support
- Davis/F2/147 Copy letter from D Birtwistle to Dr Watson, Consultant Physician, regarding Maggie's condition and potential for living in open community
- Davis/F2/148 Copy letter from D Birtwistle to Mr A Bretman, regarding tenancy issues
- Davis/F2/149 Copy letter from Margaret Davis to Mr Birtwistle, giving permission for Raglan to contact Dr Watson
- Davis/F2/15 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mrs Anderson, Councillor, regarding visit to Grove Road
- Davis/F2/150 Copy letter from Ken Davis to D Birtwistle, Raglan, regarding interest of BBC in scheme
- Davis/F2/151 Copy letter from Ken Davis to D Birtwistle, Raglan, regarding interest of BBC in scheme
- Davis/F2/152 Letter from D Birtwistle to Ken Davis regarding support services for tenants
- Davis/F2/153 Copy letter from Carol and Alan Bretman to D Birtwistle regarding personal position in relation to the scheme and situation with Joan
- Davis/F2/154 Letter from D Birtwistle, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding contact at the BBC
- Davis/F2/155 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham, Raglan, regarding contact with the BBC and tenants
- Davis/F2/156 Copy letter from Ken Davis to D Birtwistle, Raglan, regarding response to his letter, the principles of the scheme, tenants, supports and services.
- Davis/F2/157 Letter from D Birtwistle to Ken Davis regarding tenancy issues, and points that need further clarification
- Davis/F2/158 Letter from W Fantham to Ken Davis regarding contact with BBC and final checks on building
- Davis/F2/159 Letter from A Block, Family First Trust, to Maggie and Ken Davis, regarding seeking tenants
- Davis/F2/16 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Selwyn Goldsmith, regarding visit to Grove Road
- Davis/F2/160 Letter from JC Booler, Nottinghamshire County Council, to Ken Davis, regarding tenant nomination
- Davis/F2/161 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham, regarding BBC programme
- Davis/F2/162 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Seabright, regarding potential tenants
- Davis/F2/163 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham, regarding correspondence and tenants
- Davis/F2/164 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Booler, regarding tenants
- Davis/F2/165 Handwritten note of telephone calls between Ken Davis and Alan Seabright regarding meeting with Sachar and other tenants, 1st May 1976, 27th April 1976, and 24th April 1976.
- Davis/F2/166 Directions to Carlton on the Parish Church of St John the Baptist headed paper.
- Davis/F2/167 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Booler, regarding building being handed over by the contractor, the scheme delays, and tenancies
- Davis/F2/168 Letter from Pip, Terry and Chris to Ken and Maggie, regarding dinner invitation
- Davis/F2/169 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Seabright, regarding Sachar and tenants
- Davis/F2/17 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mrs M Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/170 Handwritten note of telephone call between Ken Davis and Alan Seabright regarding a disagreement and the situation with Sachar
- Davis/F2/171 Letter from Alan Seabright to Ken Davis, suggesting meetings to sort out difficulties
- Davis/F2/172 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Seabright, regarding issues with the association and tenancies
- Davis/F2/173 Copy letter to Mr Fantham regarding offer of tenancy and complaint
- Davis/F2/174 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Birtwhistle, regarding reservations about a meeting
- Davis/F2/175 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Birtwhistle, regarding reservations about a meeting - letter misdated, march crossed through with April.
- Davis/F2/176 Copy letter to Mr Fantham regarding request for formal offer of tenancy
- Davis/F2/177 Copy letter from Mr Seabright to Ken Davis, regarding formal offer of tenancy and need for more supporting families
- Davis/F2/178 Handwritten note of telephone call between Ken Davis and Bill Fantham regarding finishing contracts and tenancies
- Davis/F2/179 Letter from Bill Fantham, Inskip St Giles, to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding scheme issues, interviews for tenants, Joan and Sachar
- Davis/F2/18 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/180 Letter from Bill Fantham, Inskip St Giles, to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding site meeting
- Davis/F2/181 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham regarding offer of tenancies, other possible tenancies, departure of Malcolm Doney and other project issues
- Davis/F2/182 Letter from Bill Fantham to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding security and insurance
- Davis/F2/183 Handwritten notes of telephone conversations between Maggie and Ken Davis and Philip Banfield, and Bill Fantham regarding final site meetings and handover, [?] February, and 2nd and 5th March
- Davis/F2/184 Handwritten notes of telephone conversation with Maggie and Ken, by unidentified hand. Regarding moving in and other tenants
- Davis/F2/185 Typescript notes of telephone conversations between Malcolm Doney and Maggie Davis, regarding issues with pooling of allowances, tied tenancies, Joan and Sachar; and on the reverse handwritten notes of telephone conversations in February
- Davis/F2/186 Typescript notes of "Points to Raise with Malcolm" - setting out Maggie and Ken's thoughts about the different issues regarding Inskip, Malcolm Doney, Joan and Sachar etc, including a timeline of meetings and conversations in 1972-1975
- Davis/F2/187 Handwritten notes of telephone conversations in February. Author unclear.
- Davis/F2/188 Typescript notes of telephone conversations between Malcolm Doney and Maggie Davis, regarding worries about project, tenancies and other individuals - [dated 1975 but should be 1976]
- Davis/F2/189 Typescript note of telephone conversation with David Birtwhistle at Inskip.
- Davis/F2/19 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/190 Letter from Bill Fantham to Maggie and Ken Davis regarding meeting
- Davis/F2/191 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham regarding Joan, meetings and media
- Davis/F2/192 Letter from Bill Fantham to Maggie and Ken Davis regarding meeting with Malcolm, Carol and Ann
- Davis/F2/193 Typescript notes on meeting at Cressy Fields, with handwritten notes of further meetings on 14th, 15th and 16th Jan, regarding tenants and issue with Joan, Carol and Alan
- Davis/F2/194 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham regarding issue with Joan and Sachar
- Davis/F2/195 Letter from Bill Fantham to Ken Davis regarding notes on telephone conversation with Joan, with additional notes of telephone conversations
- Davis/F2/196 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Malcolm Doney, Inskip, regarding Sachar and Joan
- Davis/F2/197 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Malcolm Doney, Inskip, regarding Sachar and Joan, with additional notes of a phone conversation and adjusted date
- Davis/F2/198 Handwritten notes of telephone conversation between Ken Davis and Malcolm Doney, regarding Joan and Sachar situation
- Davis/F2/199 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Malcolm Doney, Inskip, regarding Joan and Sachar situation
- Davis/F2/2 Letter from Maggie to Mr Watson, Consultant Physician at Lodgemoor Hospital, Sheffield, regarding finding a suitable tenant
- Davis/F2/20 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/200 File note of a telephone conversation with Joan Daykin on 19th December 1975 - copy for Ken Davis
- Davis/F2/201 Memorandum from Inskip St Giles Housing Association, to Ken Davis from Bill Fantham, regarding conversation and report for management committee, plus additional notes of subsequent telephone conversation
- Davis/F2/202 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham regarding chairmanship of committee
- Davis/F2/203 Copy letter from Bill Fantham to Ruth Brooks regarding application for tenancy
- Davis/F2/204 Copy letter from Bill Fantham to Sachar enclosing letter
- Davis/F2/205 Letter from Alan and Carol to Maggie and Ken regarding Joan and Sachar
- Davis/F2/206 Notes of meeting held at Social Services, Sutton-in-Ashfield, on 2nd December 1975
- Davis/F2/207 Notes of telephone conversations in November and December 1975 relating to Joan and Sachar
- Davis/F2/208 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham regarding Ruth Brooks
- Davis/F2/209 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Anthony Pearson regarding Ruth Brooks
- Davis/F2/21 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Barbara Wilkinson, regarding potential tenants
- Davis/F2/210 Memorandum from Inskip St Giles Housing Association, to Ken and Maggie Davis from Bill Fantham, regarding Sachar and Joan and completion date
- Davis/F2/211 Handwritten notes of meeting with Anthony Pearson and Philip Banfield, regarding tenants, with attached newspaper article from the Notts Free Press (5th December 1975) regarding an appeal for care supporters for the housing scheme
- Davis/F2/212 Handwritten notes of telephone conversation with Ruth (and Maggie?) about possible tenancy; on reverse notes of meetings regarding press
- Davis/F2/213 Letter from Bill Fantham to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding meeting, valuation and copies of documents
- Davis/F2/214 Note of telephone conversation with Malcolm
- Davis/F2/215 Brief note of meeting held at 'Cressy Fields' on 26th November 1975 regarding setting up the committee
- Davis/F2/216 Notes of meeting at Cressy Fields, 26/11/75
- Davis/F2/217 Letter from JC Booler, Nottinghamshire County Council, to Ken Davis, regarding appointment
- Davis/F2/218 Copy letter from Anthony Pearson to Gerry Salmon regarding contract extension
- Davis/F2/219 Notes of telephone conversations in November 1975
- Davis/F2/22 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/220 Letter from Bill Fantham to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding rent and rate rebate schemes
- Davis/F2/221 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham regarding local press meeting
- Davis/F2/222 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Booler regarding committee and notes on Brookdale Road development for media
- Davis/F2/223 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham regarding policies and tenancy agreements
- Davis/F2/224 Notes of telephone conversations between Bill Fantham and Maggie Davis regarding policies and tenancy agreements
- Davis/F2/225 Letter from Bill Fantham to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding tenancy agreement
- Davis/F2/226 Notes of telephone conversations in September 1975
- Davis/F2/227 Notes of a meeting at the Union Street Flats common Room regarding tenant nomination, liason committee, rent and tenants
- Davis/F2/228 Notes of telephone conversations in may 1975 with Alan Seabright
- Davis/F2/229 Letter from Mr Seabright to Ken Davis, regarding response to letter
- Davis/F2/23 Brochure for MacPhersons Mosaico Paint
- Davis/F2/230 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Malcolm Doney regarding 'helping families'
- Davis/F2/231 Notes of meetings and telephone conversations in January 1975
- Davis/F2/232 Notes of telephone conversation with Ken Davis and Malcolm Doney regarding closing date for tenders and DOE yardsticks - copy 1
- Davis/F2/233 Notes of telephone conversation with Ken Davis and Malcolm Doney regarding closing date for tenders and DOE yardsticks - copy 2
- Davis/F2/234 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright regarding DOE yardstick figures and Joan and Sachar
- Davis/F2/235 Copy letter from BRE Noake to Reverend Short regarding sale of property, St bartholomew's mission
- Davis/F2/236 Letter from A seabright to Ken Davis regarding site purchase and tenders
- Davis/F2/237 Notes of a management meeting on 14th October 1974 - description of outline of scheme, initial discussions and tenancies nominations
- Davis/F2/238 Document titled "Notes on Project - October 1974" that summarises the need for and informaton about the scheme
- Davis/F2/239 Letter from GM Salmon, Inskip, to Ken Davis, regarding meeting about the proposed scheme
- Davis/F2/24 Berger Paints Colour card
- Davis/F2/240 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Makin, Derbyshire County Council, regarding meeting to discuss scheme
- Davis/F2/241 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Malcolm Doney regarding meeting with Derbyshire social services
- Davis/F2/242 Copy letter from Ken Davis to G Salmon regarding the meeting
- Davis/F2/243 Letter from JA Lowman to Ken Davis confirming meeting for Mr Doney
- Davis/F2/244 Notes of telephone conversations
- Davis/F2/245 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Malcolm Doney regarding arranging meeting
- Davis/F2/246 Copy letter from Ken Davis to G Salmon regarding financial responsibility and equipment
- Davis/F2/247 Letter from GM Salmon, Inskip, to Ken Davis, regarding financial responsibility for special facilities
- Davis/F2/248 Letter from Malcolm Doney to Ken Davis regarding rearrnagemnt of meeting
- Davis/F2/249 Letter from GM Salmon, Inskip, to Ken Davis, regarding financial assistance and meetings
- Davis/F2/25 Rent slips - showing weekly charges for garage and other rent
- Davis/F2/250 Copy letter from Ken Davis to G Salmon regarding setting up meeting, and initial contact with Wyvern
- Davis/F2/251 Letter from GM Salmon, Inskip, to Ken Davis, regarding investigations into financial assistance , and handwritten reponse from Ken.
- Davis/F2/252 Letter from GM Salmon, Inskip, to Ken Davis, regarding meeting dates and tenancy nominations
- Davis/F2/253 Meeting notes nd notes of telephone conversations about facilities needed in flats, tenants, rents etc in june and july 1974
- Davis/F2/254 Letter from Reverend Terry Short to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding personal matters
- Davis/F2/255 Letter from Reverend Terry Short to Ken Davis regarding personal matters
- Davis/F2/256 Letter from Reverend Terry Short to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding personal matters
- Davis/F2/257 Letter from Reverend Terry Short to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding personal matters
- Davis/F2/258 Notes of meetings and telephone conversations in May and June 1974 regarding plans and tenders
- Davis/F2/259 Notes of telephone conversation with Terry Short regarding plot of land
- Davis/F2/26 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/260 Letter from Ken and Maggie to Terry and Pip regarding difficulties with getting the scheme off the ground
- Davis/F2/261 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Malcolm Doney regarding oppressions at Maggie's residence
- Davis/F2/262 Letter from Malcolm Doney to Ken Davis regarding land acquisition and hold ups in progress
- Davis/F2/263 Notes of telephone conversation with Malcolm Doney regarding upstairs tenancies
- Davis/F2/264 Notes and questions for a conversation/meeting with Malcolm Doney, and on the reverse notes on conservations with Geoff
- Davis/F2/265 Letter from Pip and Terry to Ken and Maggie enclosing the plans
- Davis/F2/266 Letter from Malcolm Doney to Ken Davis regarding updates
- Davis/F2/267 Letter from Reverend Terry Short to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding meeting arrangements
- Davis/F2/268 Notes of telephone conversation between Terry and St Giles Inskip regarding tenants dissatisfaction
- Davis/F2/269 Notes of telephone conversation with Hugh Spencely of Wyvern Design Group, then Anthony Pearson regarding plans
- Davis/F2/27 Letter from Miss B Wilkinson, Raglan, to Ken Davis regarding Christmas Holiday arrangements 1977
- Davis/F2/270 Letter from Malcolm Doney to Ken Davis regarding approval delays, appointment of architect
- Davis/F2/271 Notes of meetings and conversations about the scheme in June and July 1973
- Davis/F2/272 Copy leter from Malcolm Doney to Mr Laughton at Sutton-in-Ashfield Urban District Council
- Davis/F2/273 Notes on 'Why size and space matter" by Ken Davis - handwritten notes
- Davis/F2/274 Meeting notes of meeting at the Vicarage regarding properties, design and requirements
- Davis/F2/275 Typescript notes on "Why size and space matter"
- Davis/F2/276 Note of telephone conversation with Rev Short regarding land
- Davis/F2/277 Letter from Malcolm Doney to Ken Davis regarding Terry Short
- Davis/F2/278 Copy letter for Mr Doney from Ken Davis regarding Terry Short and land
- Davis/F2/279 Notes of a meeting relating to a piece of land at Brookside Road presently occupied by St Bartholomew's mission church, with hand drawn map
- Davis/F2/28 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/280 Notes on definition of 'Hostel'; on reverse notes of telephone conversations with Reverend Short, DHSS and Mike talbot.
- Davis/F2/281 Expenditure and Income notes; and sketch of location of site
- Davis/F2/282 Notes of telephone conversation with Malcolm Doney regarding questions relating to Housing Associations
- Davis/F2/283 Finances of tenants
- Davis/F2/284 Short term investments - table showing types of account; on reverse mortgages
- Davis/F2/285 Notes of meetings and telephone conversations regarding land and interest in the project and notes on security of tenure
- Davis/F2/286 Notes of telephone conversation with Mrs WPC Grant regarding a similar project at Stavely
- Davis/F2/287 Handwritten notes on Housing Associations
- Davis/F2/288 NHS and nursing charges - notes and newspaper clipping
- Davis/F2/289 Letter from PCI Stooke, Manager, National Westminster Bank, Aylesbury Branch, to Miss M Hines regarding opening a joint bank account
- Davis/F2/29 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/290 Letter from Malcolm Doney to Ken Davis regarding the Stavely idea for residency not working
- Davis/F2/291 Article on the St Giles Housing Association by Winifred Kane
- Davis/F2/292 Letter from M Harrison at the Department of Health and Social Security to Miss M Hines, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, regarding publications on aids and equipment for the disabled
- Davis/F2/293 Letter from TJ Butcher, Atcost Midlands Ltd to Ken Davis regarding the housing scheme
- Davis/F2/294 Letter from RF Fearnley, REEMA, Chesterfield, to ken Davis regarding interest in project
- Davis/F2/295 Letter from PCI Stooke, Manager, National Westminster Bank, Aylesbury Branch, to Miss M Hines regarding mortgages
- Davis/F2/296 Letter from Eaton and Hollis regarding a property in Fritchley.
- Davis/F2/297 Letter from Frederick W Innes regarding a property in Riddings, Derbyshire
- Davis/F2/298 Sketch of Barlow Bank Cottage, Pilsley
- Davis/F2/299 Letter from Miss Lonsdale, Family Welfare Association, to Ken Davis, recommending contacts
- Davis/F2/3 Certificate of fair rent for Ground Floor Flat no 1
- Davis/F2/30 Letter from Barbara Wilkinson, Raglan, to Ken Davis regarding tenants
- Davis/F2/300 Letter from PCI Stooke, Manager, National Westminster Bank, Aylesbury Branch, to Miss M Hines regarding telephone appointment
- Davis/F2/301 Letter from Mrs Rita Cole, Central Council for the Disabled, to Ken Davis, regarding approach to the scheme and contacts
- Davis/F2/302 Letter from Ken Davis to unidentified asking for contacts of charities who give finanicial assistance to housing projects
- Davis/F2/303 Notes on housing projects for those with differing needs
- Davis/F2/304 Letter from PCI Stooke, Manager, National Westminster Bank, Aylesbury Branch, to Miss M Hines regarding appontment
- Davis/F2/305 Copy letter from Margaret Hines to Mr Stacey, DHSS Aylesbury, regarding financial arrangements
- Davis/F2/306 Copy letter from Margaret Hines to HM Stationary Department regarding publications on benefits for disabled people living independently
- Davis/F2/307 Letter from Marjorie to Maggie, Joan, Sachar and Ken regarding housing scheme plans
- Davis/F2/308 Copy of letter to Marjorie Thorne asking if she might like to be involved with housing scheme
- Davis/F2/309 Notes on the St Giles Housing Society, copy letter to Miss Dudgeon; on reverse sketch of Lockoford Farmhouse, Chesterfield
- Davis/F2/31 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Barbara Wilkinson, Raglan, regarding resolution of a difficulty, and a fail safe power system for the hoist
- Davis/F2/310 Property Details for Greenhill House, Derbyshire, for Auction
- Davis/F2/311 Property Details for Green Farm, Brackenfield, for Auction
- Davis/F2/312 Newspaper clipping of Lockoford Farmhouse
- Davis/F2/313 Property Details for Lockoford Farmhouse
- Davis/F2/314 Clipping of property in Newbold and sketches for layout and notes
- Davis/F2/315 Property Details for 2 Cromwell Road, Newbold
- Davis/F2/316 Letter from Miss MR Barwiss to Ken Davis regarding request for publication
- Davis/F2/317 Copy letter from Margaret Hines to Mr Cox at Natwest Bank regarding appointment for advice
- Davis/F2/318 Notes on suggested ways of setting up our housing scheme
- Davis/F2/319 Letter from Delia Dudgeon on housing schemes for the disabled
- Davis/F2/32 Letter from Barbara Wilkinson, Raglan, to Ken Davis regarding double glazing
- Davis/F2/320 Copy letter from Delia Dudgeon, and notes on conversations with Delia Dudgeon about the housing project
- Davis/F2/321 Letter from Delia Dudgeon to Mr Davis regarding a similar housing schemes for the disabled and suggesting contacts including Mr Doney at Inskip
- Davis/F2/322 Draft letter to Miss Dudgeon regarding housing schemes seen advertised
- Davis/F2/323 Article by Delia Dudgeon on a housing project for disabled people
- Davis/F2/324 Notes on costs for housing project, notes of meetings and telephone conversations about project
- Davis/F2/325 To Do list
- Davis/F2/326 Notes on possible income for a married couple
- Davis/F2/327 Typescript income and expenditure notes
- Davis/F2/328 Notes on finances - starting "Andy graham"
- Davis/F2/329 notes on finances for 4 people and 2 helpers
- Davis/F2/33 Letter from D Birtwistle to all Wardens of Raglan regarding Firemen's Strike
- Davis/F2/330 Notes on proposal for securing the property
- Davis/F2/331 Draft letter to trusts regarding financual support for a housing scheme
- Davis/F2/332 Draft advertisement meant for the New Statesmen, and draft response to any responses to the advertisement
- Davis/F2/333 Newspaper clipping - Disabled Denied their own homes - Sunday Times 16.7. 89.
- Davis/F2/334 Aims and Objectives of Scheme - Principles of Association
- Davis/F2/335 Letter from Ken to Sachar regarding a property in Hyson Green, with sketch
- Davis/F2/336 Document titled "Community Thought" summarising the thought behind the initiative to develop a housing scheme and tracking the development of the ideas behind the initiative.
- Davis/F2/34 Letter from D Birtwistle to all Tenants of Raglan regarding Firemen's Strike, with fire advise leaflet
- Davis/F2/35 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/36 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/37 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Barbara Wilkinson, regarding double glazing request
- Davis/F2/38 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques and underpayment of rent by Mr and Mrs Hayday
- Davis/F2/39 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent, and rent calculation for Mr and Mrs Hayday
- Davis/F2/4 Raglan Housing Association, Garage Tenancy Agreement - Garage no 4
- Davis/F2/40 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/41 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Barbara Wilkinson, regarding payment of account for work done
- Davis/F2/42 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/43 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/44 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/45 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/46 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/47 Letter from Alan Seabright, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding tenancy interviews and applications, and maintenance agreement
- Davis/F2/48 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright, regarding servicing clos-o-mat, fault reporting, and tenancy application
- Davis/F2/49 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/5 Raglan Housing Association, Garage Tenancy Agreement - Garage no 2
- Davis/F2/50 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/51 Letter from Alan Seabright, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding application for membership of the association
- Davis/F2/52 Letter from Mrs T Jakes, Raglan, regarding visit to Grove Road of Alan Seabright and Barbara Wilkinson
- Davis/F2/53 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/54 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/55 File note, typescript summary of court case between Joan Winifred Daykin vs Raglan Housing Association Ltd, County Court Wimbourbe, Dorset 27th April 1977. Court found in favour of Raglan and injunction on renting Flat 30 was lifted.
- Davis/F2/56 Letter from Alan Seabright, Raglan, to Maggie Davis, regarding arranging a visit and keys
- Davis/F2/57 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/58 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Mr P Valentine, Raglan, regarding safety drop bar and key to garage
- Davis/F2/59 Copy letter from Ken Davis to M Starbuck, Sutton Centre, regarding children's ideas for the garden.
- Davis/F2/6 Letter from Jim Monroe, Raglan Housing Association, to Ken and Maggie, regarding garage rental
- Davis/F2/60 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/61 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/62 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/63 Copy letter from Maggie Davis to Mr Seabright, regarding gas call out
- Davis/F2/64 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/65 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/66 Letter from Bill Fantham, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding the fire officers report
- Davis/F2/67 Copy letter from JJ Boggis, Chief Fire Officer, to Raglan, with comments and recommendations on fire prevention
- Davis/F2/68 Letter from C Duffield, Raglan to Ken and Maggie Davis, regarding membership of association
- Davis/F2/69 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/7 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Barbara Wilkinson, Raglan, regarding leaks and damp
- Davis/F2/70 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mr KO Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
- Davis/F2/71 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright, regarding application for shares in Raglan Housing Association
- Davis/F2/72 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/73 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham, Raglan, regarding thanks for cards and gift
- Davis/F2/74 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Bill Fantham, Raglan, regarding arial installation and process for recovery of costs
- Davis/F2/75 Copy letter from Ken Davis to Mr Sheppard, regarding cheques for rent
- Davis/F2/76 Letter from Bill Fantham, Raglan, to Ken Davis, regarding TV Arial installation, letting of vacant flats, fire protection officer and insurance cover for the hoist.
- Davis/F2/77-113 Correspondence between Ken and Maggie Davis and Raglan (various recipients including Bill Fantham) regarding issues relating to moving into Grove road, including fire protection, insurances, visits, appliances, tenancy agreements, fault rectifying etc. One letter from Ken to JC Booler at Social Services. November 1976
- Davis/F2/8 Rent Register for ground floor flat at 32 Grove Road
- Davis/F2/9 Letter from RGF Sheppard, Raglan, to Mrs M Davis, acknowledging receipt of cheques
Davis/F2 Grove Road Planning