Liz Porter is a partially sighted storyteller who is interested in the representation of disability within traditional stories and what the messages woven within the tales mean for us today.
Come on a journey with Liz as she draws us in; find out about Fairy Ointment, dive a bit deeper and learn about ‘The White Rat’, (one of Liz’s favourite stories – a French wondertale).
This transformative story allows us to think about human nature, and identity, and how we adapt to the many different situations life throws up at us.
Rats are partially sighted too, and their eyes dart from left to right to centre as they try to see where they are going. ‘Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they get it wrong, and sometimes they need help to get along’ …
This event is part of The Blind School: Pioneering People and Places exhibition schedule.
It takes place on 10th March at 11.30am and again at 12.45pm, tickets are free and available from the Museum of Liverpool reception desk, all ages welcome.
If you have any access requirements please get in touch prior to 1st March by e-mailing