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Reference | Davis/F4 |
Name of Creator | Maggie Davis, disability activist – Ken Davis, disability activist |
Date of Creation | 1968-1987 |
Extent of the Unit of Description | 1 lever arch file containing correspondence and other documents |
Level of description | |
Description | 1 lever arch file containing a list of contents at the front, followed by articles and notes of meetings relating to independent living, agism, disability rights and the Grove Road Housing Scheme, correspondence relating to disability rights, personal correspondence with Maggie after her accident, notes of talks relating to Maggie's experiences of disability and independent living |
System of Arrangement | The contents of the file are not in any specific arrangement |
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Davis Archive of Maggie Davis relating to the Grove Road Housing Scheme
Davis/F4 Things to do with Grove Road and Letters
- Davis/F4/1 List of contents of the file
- Davis/F4/10 Notes of Maggie's experiences - contents page titles this "Maggie Davis Pearce House"
- Davis/F4/11 Notes on women and disability benefits
- Davis/F4/12 Notes of a talk on attitudes to disabled people
- Davis/F4/13 Letter from Anne Rae to members of UPIAS enclosing Newsletter No 1 on the Affairs of Women with Disability, DPI
- Davis/F4/14 Copy Letter from Dr Fatima Shah to Anne Rae, UPIAS, regarding Disabled Peoples' International
- Davis/F4/15 Copy letters to Mrs Thatcher and others relating to VAT on Sanitary products
- Davis/F4/16 Copy correspondence with Edwina Currie relating to VAT on Sanitary projects
- Davis/F4/17 Letter from Maggie Hines to UPIAS women relating to a potential article/meeting
- Davis/F4/18 Copy letter from Edwina Currie on VAT on Sanitary products
- Davis/F4/19 Contacts for WAND - Women Action North Derbyshire
- Davis/F4/2 Printed poem - It's not my age. No author or reference.
- Davis/F4/20 Letter from the Registry of Friendly Societies relating to failure to send annual return
- Davis/F4/21 Letter from Maggie Davis to Frances Hasler regarding research into spinal injuries
- Davis/F4/22 Letter to Miss Hines from Margaret Helliwell , Sept 11 1973, about an article
- Davis/F4/23 Unidentified sketch
- Davis/F4/24 Unidentified contact list
- Davis/F4/25 Minutes of a meeting (previous meeting was on 29th November)
- Davis/F4/26 Letter from Guy, Gail, Nathan and Bonnie to Ken and Maggie
- Davis/F4/27 Letter from Guy, Gail, Nathan and Bonnie to Ken and Maggie
- Davis/F4/28 Letter from Guy, Gail, Nathan and Bonnie to Ken and Maggie
- Davis/F4/29 Letter from a visitor to Grove Road- Diane
- Davis/F4/3 Handwritten notes titled "IYDP - full integration and participation" - notes for a lecture?
- Davis/F4/30 Letter from Grandad and Grace
- Davis/F4/31 Notes on a visit from a writer/author and Maggie being ill
- Davis/F4/32 Letter to Mrs Bardswell on the name HINES and connections
- Davis/F4/33 Letter from Guy, Gail, Nathan and Bonnie to Ken and Maggie
- Davis/F4/34 Letter from Guy, Gail, Nathan and Bonnie to Ken and Maggie
- Davis/F4/35 Letter to Maggie from Liz
- Davis/F4/36 Letter to Maggie from H Weizmann, Israel
- Davis/F4/37 Letter to Maggie (Fanny) from Hiem, Beirut
- Davis/F4/38 letter to Maggie from Maurice Brody
- Davis/F4/39 Letter to Maggie from Judy, Jim, Andrew, Christopher and Daniel
- Davis/F4/4 Newspaper clipping relating to Nursing
- Davis/F4/40 Letter to Maggie from Dal
- Davis/F4/41 Letter to Maggie from Assaad
- Davis/F4/42 Letter to Maggie from Hiem, with another enclosed letter from Khaled?
- Davis/F4/43 Letter to Maggie from Hiem
- Davis/F4/44 Letter to Maggie from Sidney T Garland
- Davis/F4/45 Notes on Aims, and other general notes
- Davis/F4/46 Medical notes relating to introducing catheters and other procedures
- Davis/F4/47 Newspaper clipping about housing scheme for disabled people in Gillingham featuring Christine Swan, and mentoning the inspiration of the Grove Road scheme
- Davis/F4/48 Notes for talk/article on disabled people and rights
- Davis/F4/49 Notes for a talk on Maggie's life and experiences in institutions
- Davis/F4/5 Photocopy of article by Anthony Pearson about the Grove Road Housing Scheme
- Davis/F4/6 Notes from a WAND meeting
- Davis/F4/7 Photocopy of article titled "Is home a safer place" from the Health and Social Services Journal 1980
- Davis/F4/8 DCDP Teach-in notes for DCIL and the Disabled Peoples' movement
- Davis/F4/9 Notes on survey and measurements of a particular area (Clay Cross)
Davis/F4 Things to do with Grove Road and Letters