Art: life beyond sight loss
An exhibition explores the impact of arts and crafts on the lives of members of Blind Veterans UK
Kerry is the Accentuate History of Place Project Co-ordinator based in Liverpool.
An exhibition explores the impact of arts and crafts on the lives of members of Blind Veterans UK
Join us for the launch of a new interactive trail of deaf and disabled people’s histories around Liverpool on Monday 21st November.
One challenge of the History of Place project has been thinking about how to engage all five senses in storytelling. Creative workshops at the Royal School for the Blind, Liverpool explored how to transport listeners’ imaginations to tunnels and 18th century cargo ships using sound and smell.
Oral history can be invaluable for capturing the stories of people and communities who might otherwise be left out of history. Dr Fiona Cosson gave us a masterclass in Liverpool.
We are seeking an experienced Sound Artist to produce a soundscape about the history of the Royal School for the Blind, Liverpool during September and October.
Images of the School for the Blind in Liverpool through time, from the archives of National Museums Liverpool.
What can objects hidden behind the scenes in the museum stores tell us about the School for the Blind?
A community history tour of the galleries, including some objects from the Royal School for the Blind
A visit to Blue Room which gives adults with learning disabilities the opportunity to develop creative and social skills and increase their independence.
Beth Astridge, History of Place Archivist, and I visit the Royal School for the Blind for a first look at the archives.