
The project in a nutshell, and the team who are working on it.

image of young disabled boys outside the School of the Brave Poor things in scout uniform

It is estimated that there are one billion disabled people in the world, but too often the lives of deaf and disabled people are ‘gone missing’ from history. The History of Place project is working from 2016 – 2018 to uncover some of those  missing histories at eight locations around the UK. We will cover several hundred years of history, from medieval lives at Maison Dieu, to the birth of the Independent Living Movement in 1970s Nottinghamshire.

Importantly, it’s a collaborative process. We are working with museums, archives, groups which represent deaf and disabled people as well as theatre companies.  Anyone can get involved as a volunteer and join our search through the past. We aim to help all who take part gain skills and insights along the way.

Follow us  on our blog, sign up for our newsletter and look out for our events.   Our website is in development, there will be much more  here soon

The team

Esther Fox

estherI am the Head of the Accentuate Programme which provides opportunities for deaf and disabled people to participate and lead in the Cultural Sector.  We’ve spent two years developing History of Place as part of our series of projects and I’m delighted to see the activity that’s now taking place.  Over the next two years, amongst other things, I will be working with our national partners, The Museum of Liverpool, M Shed in Bristol and the V&A London to deliver a series of nationally significant exhibitions.  As a disabled person myself, I’m passionate about uncovering this relatively hidden history.

Francesca Lashmar

Francesca Lashmar

I am Project Manager for History of Place, I have a background in heritage education and interpretation.  This includes developing and delivering sessions, events and projects for a wide audience in castles, stately homes, secret tunnels and festivals.  I love history because I am nosey. Check my blog to see what I’ve been doing.

Grace Swordy

Grace Swordy

I am the Accentuate History of Place project coordinator based in Bristol. With a background in history and heritage exploration for arts projects, I have worked on interactive events, creative installations and delivered workshops for young people and community groups in Bristol, Devon, London, Barcelona and more. With a keen interest in exploring deaf and disabled people’s experiences through history and interpreting life in Bristol, I am very excited to be on this important journey. See what I’ve discovered so far.

Kerry Massheder-Rigby

Kerry Massheder-Rigby

Project Coordinator based in Liverpool for History of Place, I have a background in Community Heritage, Historical Archaeology and Oral History.  This includes supporting community members to excavate, record, research and find out more about their heritage.  I love finding out why places are meaningful to people. Look at the journey I’ve been taking.

Kate Smith

I am the project’s web editor.  Now a freelance, I’ve previously worked for the British Council and Museum of London.  For a decade, I have been interested in and worked on projects to uncover histories which have been hidden or overlooked. I’m also interested in cultural policy, environmentalism and cycling.