Memorandum from Inskip St Giles Housing Association, to Ken and Maggie Davis from Bill Fantham, regarding Sachar and Joan and completion date
Handwritten notes of meeting with Anthony Pearson and Philip Banfield, regarding tenants, with attached newspaper article from the Notts Free Press (5th December 1975) regarding an appeal for care supporters for the housing scheme
Handwritten notes of telephone conversation with Ruth (and Maggie?) about possible tenancy; on reverse notes of meetings regarding press
Letter from Bill Fantham to Ken and Maggie Davis regarding meeting, valuation and copies of documents
Handwritten notes of telephone conversation between Ken Davis and Malcolm Doney, regarding Joan and Sachar situation
Memorandum from Inskip St Giles Housing Association, to Ken Davis from Bill Fantham, regarding conversation and report for management committee, plus additional notes of subsequent telephone conversation