David Bonnett talks about Inclusive Design

David Bonnett stands at a podium speaking

David Bonnett is an architect whose work features in our exhibition in partnership with the V&A Without Walls: Disability and Innovation in Building Design. He is also disabled himself and so brings personal experience to the creation of inclusive design.

The long view

Statue of the sphinx surrounded by trees in Chiswich House Gardens

A snapshot of some landmarks in the lives of deaf and disabled people across the world since the 13th century – from oppression to work, education and choice about where to live.

Restless sleepers

An epidemic of ‘sleepy sickness’ swept through the US and Europe between 1916 – 27, immortalised by Oliver Sacks’ ‘Awakenings’. Some survivors attended the Guild in Bristol, with a variety of post-encephalitic symptoms. Grace Morgan-Tait investigates.

The ‘Skeleton 19’ Mystery

Jo Gray Archive Room Dover Castle

A visit to the English Heritage archaeological store at Dover Castle, where curator Jo Gray shows Francesca Skeleton 19, which gives evidence linking the site to Deaf and disability history.

The last century of a very ancient house

Maison Dieu is all that remains of a 13th century monastery complex. We can only guess what it looked like for most of that period. Photographs show us that it was still changing with the times, even in the last century.