The end of the Bristol Guild
Why a club for disabled people, which lasted for almost a century, decided to close in the 1980s.
Why a club for disabled people, which lasted for almost a century, decided to close in the 1980s.
Maxine looks at the notes of another resident of Chiswick House, and finds a troubled woman gradually retreating into a world of make believe.
How do you go about creating a digital game from local, historical archive material? One of our workshop participants describes the experience.
In her second look at the casenotes of one inmate of Chiswick House, Max focuses on her life in the years before she was admitted, and asks whether there are any clues here as to why she developed her illness.
As troops moved in and out of Liverpool during the Second World War, a gold bust of Blind School founder Edward Rushton disappeared.
Trade unionist and political activist described as ‘the most cheerful man in the Labour movement’.
Tips for Heritage Open Days – from tour guiding to helping your visitors engage in a multi-sensory way.
Attracted by spotting some distinctive drawings, Gillian Doherty goes in search of Walter Ridpath, who was once at resident at Normansfield Hospital.
Ann Newman looks at the case notes of a female patient of Chiswick House, finds evidence of Victorian attitudes percolating into 20th century medical thought, and discovers more loose ends than satisfying conclusions…
An exhibition explores the impact of arts and crafts on the lives of members of Blind Veterans UK