Correspondence between Ken and Maggie Davis and Raglan (various recipients including Bill Fantham) regarding issues relating to moving into Grove road, including fire protection, insurances, visits, appliances, tenancy agreements, fault rectifying etc. One letter from Ken to JC Booler at Social Services. November 1976
Letter from Alan Seabright to Alan and Carol Bretman regarding the special conditions of tenancy at the Brookdale Road scheme
Letter from Alan Seabright to Alan and Carol Bretman regarding withdrawal of offer of tenancy to Joan Daykin, and installation of electricity meters, offer of tenancy.
Letter from Alan Seabright to Ken Davis regarding electricity supply, letter to Mr and Mrs Bretman, an issue with a letter from Ken (11 Aug 76), and tenants moving in.
Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright regarding tenants support for withdrawal of tenancy of Joan Daykin, and offer of tenancy to Carol and Alan Bretman
Copy letter from Ken Davis to Alan Seabright, regarding application for shares in Raglan Housing Association