That’s a wrap!

Grace Swordy describes the film a group of young people helped to make during August 2016 in Bristol, exploring and imagining life at the Guild a century ago.

Young people outside the Guild building in Bristol

The end of August saw the completion of our film project with young people in Bristol. What an exciting whirlwind of ideas, explorations, drama and philosophical contemplation that was! We had a diverse, hardworking group of young people joining our film maker Sangam, producer Emma, production intern Alex, interpreters Naomi and Connor, carer Meg and more, over 8 days work-shopping our Accentuate History of Place film.

Woman and man in green chairs at the film workshop

At the film workshop

The young people were introduced to the historical source materials that had been gathered and chosen by our Volunteer research group. They discussed, debated and played around with the themes and provocations put to them. They then took on the task of reacting, planning shoots, creating scenes and developing their own personal profiles. Each young person explored elements of the Guild’s history that interested them, and worked hard to create interesting scenes, poetry, artistic shots and collections of images. The group were keen to understand the Guild’s admissions process, questioning what inclusion meant in 1913 and how it has changed.

Three people look inside the Guild building

Film workshop participants

Our shoots out in Bristol were demanding; we don’t want to give too much away, but you will see scenes outside the Guild Heritage House and inside the Bristol Record Office. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to get to this point, and to all the contributors. Watch this space for news about the launch and the premier of our AHOP film!

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